Thursday, June 30, 2011

USB Safely Remove 4.62

USB Safely Remove is a USB device manager. It saves time and extends user abilities on active work with flash-drives, portable drives, card readers and other gadgets.

It saves time...
  • Displaying what prevents a device from being stopped
  • Safe removal via hotkeys
Lets you recognize a device in a snap...
  • The handy menu with device icons
  • Real device names and the ability to rename them
  • Lets you hide devices you never need to stop
Extends your hot-plug opportunities...
  • Program autorun on device connection\disconnection
  • Command line for safe removal
Does unique things!
  • Hiding drives of empty card reader slots
  • Powers off devices in Vista and Win7
  • Card reader memory cards ejection one-by-one
  • Returning back a device just stopped!

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Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset

Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset v1.1c by GANJiN (KTR2012-v1.1c) resets the trial period of Kaspersky AV + IS 2012 and PURE 9 so you have more time to evaluate the product.

Once your Kaspersky 30-days trial license runs out just use the Kaspersky 2012  Trial Reset v1.1c to let your Kaspersky retrieve a new Kaspersky 30 days trial  license, done within a few seconds (incl. all Kaspersky features and updates). No need hunting for Kaspersky licenses since eventually all get blacklisted.

Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset v1.1c by GANJiN is for:
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 v12.0.0.374 
- Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 v12.0.0.374 
- Kaspersky PURE v9.1.0.124

* Tested on WinXP/Vista/7 (x86/x64). 
* No need to uninstall the Trial Reset since there's nothing to uninstall.
* KTR2012-v1.1c may not work with the latest patches/updates by Kaspersky.
* KTR2012-v1.1c may not work with newer or older versions of Kaspersky.
* KTR2012-v1.1c requires the Microsoft Net Framework 3.0.
* Kaspersky 2012 download links included.

How to use Kaspersky 2012 Trial Reset v1.1c by GANJiN (KTR2012-v1.1c):
1. Install KIS or KAV 2012 v12.0.0.374, or Kaspersky PURE v9.1.0.124. 
1. Disable the Kaspersky Self-Defense.
2. Exit Kaspersky by using the Kaspersky system tray icon.
3. Start KTR2012-v1.1c and press the "Reset" button.
4. Wait for Kaspersky to launch and activate your new trial period.

Unknown Program

Download Mini Lyrics 7.0.676

What can MiniLyrics do?
  • Show super cool scrolling lyrics, you can sing along with it.
  • Download and save lyrics in your mp3 files, you can view it on your iPod or iPhone.
  • Amazing translucency skins.
  • Never expires, you can try it free and ignore the nagging registration notice.
  • Support saving/loading embedded ID3v2, Lyrics3v2 standard lyrics.

Installation instructions

MiniLyrics is the most easy-to-use lyrics plugin software. It's very easy to install and use.
  1. Download MiniLyrics
  2. Install MiniLyrics
  3. Run your player and play your favorite tracks
  4. Lyrics will be showed up automatically
If you are using Zune, Spotify, Album Player, Helium Music Manager, JetAudio, you need to start MiniLyrics manually. Please click Windows 'Start' button > 'All Programs' > 'MiniLyrics' > 'MiniLyrics for YourPlayerName'.


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IM3 Mobile Academy 2011, Tingkatkan Loyalitas Pelanggan

JAKARTA, SELASA – Indosat kembali mengadakan IM3 Mobile Academy. Memasuki tahun ke-4 acara ini diikuti oleh 150 peserta SMU/sederajat dari berbagai kota di Indonesia. Acara ini untuk mengembangkan bakat dan kemampuan mereka selama masa liburan.

Muhammad Sujai, Manajer Event&Sponsorship Indosat, menjelaskan bahwa acara ini merupakan salah satu strategi Indosat untuk meningkatkan.loyalitas pelanggan. Sebab, mereka yang bisa mengikuti acara ini mesti terdaftar di Indosat Community.

Menurut Jay, peserta juga diberi pelatihan untuk mengembangkan entrepreneurship lewat internet. Tapi, pelatihan yang diberikan nggak ribet-ribet sampai pelatihan developing aplikasi. Cukup berkisar penggunaan praktis internet untuk menghasilkn uang sendiri ataupun.unruk.mengmbngkan bakat mereka. “Misalnya menggunakan Kaskus atau layanan online lain untuk jualan. Pelatihan bikin blog atau website.untuk mereka jual (bakat) diri ataupun barang. Bisa juga menggunakan Youtube buat menyalurkan bakat mereka,” terang Jay.

Berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya, IM3 Academy tahun ini lebih ditajmkan pada sisi bisnisnya. “Agar sejak muda mereka sudah terasah skill bisnisnya,” tambah Jay.

Academier, demikian sebutan peserta kegiatan ini. Mereka akan mengikuti holiday camp selama 5 hari 4 malam. Para peserta tidak hanya diberi pelatihan, mereka juga berkesempatan bertemu bintang, dan merasakan berbagai pengalaman baru, dan diakhiri dengan Grand Final IM3 Mobile Academy 2011. Pemenang akan menjadi duta IM3 didaerahnya masing-masing.

Buat yang ingin ikutan IM3 Mobile Academy berikutnya kamu bisa registrasi online di atau lewat dropbox di cabang Indosat di masing-masing kota. Namun, ternyata sebagian besar peserta mendaftar lewat sekolah masing-masing.


Adobe AIR 2.7

The Adobe® AIR® 2.7 runtime enables developers to use HTML, JavaScript, Adobe Flash® and Flex technologies, and ActionScript® to build web applications that run as standalone client applications without the constraints of a browser. Adobe AIR, a key component of the Adobe Flash Platform, unleashes the creativity of designers and developers by providing a consistent and flexible development environment for the delivery of applications across devices and platforms. Support for Android™, BlackBerry® Tablet OS, and iOS mobile operating systems and televisions is now available.

New features:
Integrated support for Media Measurement (desktop only)
The Adobe® AIR® 2.7 runtime now includes the same built-in support for media measurement as Adobe Flash® Player 10.3, allowing companies to collect real-time, aggregated reporting data for how content is distributed and viewed by users. With direct support for Adobe SiteCatalyst®, powered by Omniture®, developers can implement video analytics for existing or legacy video players with as little as two lines of code. For additional information, see the article on measuring video consumption in Flash.

Note: Media Measurement is currently not supported for iOS and Android™ devices.

Acoustic echo cancellation (desktop only)
With integrated support for acoustic echo cancellation, developers can now add real-time VoIP capabilities to games, enterprise, and other types of applications without requiring users to wear a noise-canceling headset. Users can now chat using the speaker built into their desktop or laptop computer. This new capability is also available in Flash Player 10.3.

Navigation improvements for HTML content (desktop only)
Enables seamless weblink-style navigation within desktop apps such as magazine viewers and ebook readers. Developers can now respond to a new event to be notified when content within the HTMLLoader control attempts to change the location of a page. This enhancement provides developers with a better way implement intra-application navigation.

Enhanced rendering for iOS (mobile only)
AIR apps for iOS render up to four times faster in CPU mode. Improves performance of many AIR for iOS apps, including those built with the Flex framework.

Faster development time for iOS applications (mobile only)
Developers can now debug and build iOS applications faster than with previous versions using a new mode available within the AIR Developer Tool (ADT). During the development of an application, developers can now choose to use "interpreter mode" to streamline the testing and debugging development cycle.

AIR installation on SD cards (mobile only)
This feature allows end users to install or move the AIR runtime onto the SD cards within their Android devices so they can free up storage space on the phone.

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Yahoo! Messenger 11

  • Instant Messaging: Send text messages in real-time to your friends on Yahoo! Messenger.
  • Chat Rooms: Join a chat room to meet new friends while you discuss your favorite topics.
  • Photo Sharing: Share photos from your desktop or Flickr, then discuss them over IM while you and a friend view them together
  • PC-to-PC Calls: Make a voice call to another Yahoo! Messenger user for free (microphone and speakers/headset required).
  • Phone Out (PC-to-Phone Calls): Call friends on their regular or mobile phones from Messenger for as low as 1¢ a minute (Phone Out account required).
  • Phone In (Get a Phone Number for Messenger): Get a new phone number that allows you to receive calls in Yahoo! Messenger (Phone In account required).
  • SMS (Text Messaging): Send text messages from Messenger to your friends mobile phones for free.
  • Webcam: Plug in your webcam to share live video with your friends on Yahoo! Messenger.
  • IM Conferencing: Instant message with many friends at once in a conference room (includes voice capabilities, where available).
  • IM with Friends on Other Networks: IM with friends who use Windows Live™ Messenger, Reuters Messaging, and Lotus Sametime — right from Yahoo! Messenger.
  • File Transfer: Send files instantly to a friend while you IM (2 GB limit).
Unknown Program
Monday, June 27, 2011

Tahun 2013, Kabel PCI Express Capai 32Gbps

JAKARTA, SENIN – Kamu pikir Intel Thunderbolt adalah satu-satunya interkoneksi supercepat saat ini? Hehehe, iya sih. Dan juga akan bertahan cukup lama.

Tapi perhatikan juga kalau PCI Special Interest Group baru saja menyelenggarakan pertemuan dan konferensi pengembang tahunannya di California, AS. Di sana terungkap rencana untuk kabel PCIe 32Gbps.

Belum jelas seperti apa tepatnya konektor tersebut, tetapi kabarnya ia akan terbuat dari kabel tembaga, lebih tipis dan pipih dibandingkan rancangan Thunderbolt. Juga akan mampu menyalurkan power maupun data ke perangkat-perangkat yang berjarak sampai 3 meter (10 kaki).

Menyasar aplikasi konsumer, dan tablet dan laptop supertipis, variasi kabel PCI Express ini akan mulai dengan basis spesifikasi 3.0 pada tahun 2013. Kemudian akan beralih dari situ ke PCI Express 4.0, dan kemungkinan, data optikal.

O ya, PCI-Express 4.0 juga diumumkan oleh PCI SIG. Namun ini masih paling tidak empat tahun lagi baru terwujud. Jadi tak perlu cepat-cepat mengharapkannya hadir di motherboard kamu.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Keluar dari Konsorsium BAPCo, AMD Tak Akui Benchmark SYSmark 2012

JAKARTA, RABU – Adalah hal biasa bagi sebuah perusahaan untuk melakukan pengumuman kepada publik. Namun yang dilakukan AMD tidak biasa. Ia merancang rilis pers yang mengumumkan tidak merestui sebuah produk benchmark, yakni BAPCo SYSmark 2012.

Penolakan itu begitu kuatnya sampai-sampai AMD merasa perlu untuk keluar dari keanggotaan BAPCo ((Business Applications Performance Corporation), konsorsium nirlaba yang diikutinya.  Menurut AMD, ia mencoba bekerja dengan BAPCo untuk fokus pada pengujian dengan pemakaian real-world, bukannya pada benchmark-benchmark tradisional yang tidak selalu mencerminkan cara kita menggunakan komputer saat ini.

Chief Marketing Officer AMD Nigel Dessau menjelaskan keputusan tersebut dalam blog AMD seperti ini:

“Sayangnya, niat baik kami disambut dengan hasil yang menurut kami merugikan industri dan para kustomer kami. Kami tidak bisa memberikan perubahan positif di dalam BAPCo, dan benchmark hasilnya terus menyimpangkan kinerja beban kerja dan menawarkan transparansi yang kian kurang kepada end user. Sekali lagi, BAPCo memilih untuk mengabaikan kesempatan untuk mempromosikan keterbukaan dan transparansi.”

Masalah utama sepertinya adalah SYSmark menyoroti kecepatan prosesor sambil mengabaikan GPU power. Ini cacat yang signifikan mengingat saat ini GPU memainkan peran besar dalam kinerja sistem secara keseluruhan.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Download TuneUp Utilities 2011

TuneUp Utilities™ – Version 2011 – all new!
TuneUp Utilities™ – Version 2011, gets your PC, notebook, or netbook in top shape—saving you costly and painful upgrades! The innovation of this year’s version: TuneUp Program Deactivator, a unique tool that drastically reduces the load on your PC, giving you a true performance boost!

  • NEW! TuneUp Program Deactivator with TuneUp Programs-on-Demand Technology™. Windows® runs as fresh as it did on the very first day!
  • CLEARER! TuneUp Start Center. TuneUp Utilities™ is easier to use than ever.
  • MORE POWERFUL! TuneUp Turbo Mode. Turbo Mode, 10 times more powerful than before, brings your PC to maximum speed for your work and games.
  • NEW! Tuning status. Know instantly how well you’ve optimized your PC.
  • NEW! Rating function for programs. The experiences of countless TuneUp Utilities™ users help you make the best tuning decisions.
  • NEW! “Overview of all functions” pane. All power features in one window.

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