Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tips dan Trik Synaptic Package Manager

Hai sobat blogger sudah lama saya tidak update post pada blog ini karena memang saya tidak ada bahan. Kali ini saya mulai lagi dengan beberapa pengetahuan tentang linux karena saya sedikit demi sedikit mulai mempelajarinya.

Sesuai dengan judul saya akan memberikan beberapa tips dan trik Synaptic Package Manager. Sebelumnya perlu diketahui yang dimaksud dengan Synaptic Package Manager adalah manajemen paket program grafis untuk apt., yang menyediakan fitur yang sama sebagai utilitas Command Line apt-get dengan GUI front-end berbasis Gtk +.

Beberapa feature yang bisa digunakan dengan Synaptic Package Management adalah:
  • Install, remove, upgrade and downgrade single and multiple packages.
  • Upgrade your whole system.
  • Manage package repositories (sources.list).
  • Find packages by name, description and several other attributes.
  • Select packages by status, section, name or a custom filter.
  • Sort packages by name, status, size or version.
  • Browse all available online documentation related to a package.
  • Download the latest changelog of a package.
  • Lock packages to the current version.
  • Force the installation of a specifc package version.
  • Undo/Redo of selections.
  • Built-in terminal emulator for the package manager.
  • Debian/Ubuntu only: Configure packages through the debconf system.
  • Debian/Ubuntu only: Xapain based fast search (thanks to Enrico Zini)
  • Debian/Ubuntu only: Get screenshots from screenshots.debian.net 


Sekarang mari kita kembali ke tujuan utama, Linux yang saya pakai adalah Ubuntu 11.10, yang dari awal tidak ada feature Synaptic Package Management karena sudah digantikan dengan Ubuntu Software Center dan mungkin ada beberapa Linux lain yang tidak mempunyainya juga, namun itu bisa diatasi dengan menginstallnya.

Cara install Synaptic Package Manager dengan Ubuntu Software Center
Pertama buka Software Ubuntu Software Center, jika sudah ketik pada kolom search pojok kanan atas “Synaptic Package Manager” tanpa tanda kutip. Lalu pilih atau klik Synaptic Package Manager.

Pada gambar diatas Synaptic Package Manager sudah terinstall dan bertanda checklist warna hijau, jika belum pada bagian sebelah kanan,klik install dan tunggu hingga proses selesai.

Cara Install Synaptic Package Manager dengan Terminal
Buka terminal lalu ketik sudo apt-get install synaptic

Masukan password Administrator jika diperlukan, lalu tekan y dan enter mengkonfirmasi.Tunggu beberapa saat hingga proses selesai.

Jika salah satu cara diatas sudah dilakukan dengan benar, kalian bisa melihat dan membuka software Synaptic tersebut dengan pencet Dash lalu pada kotak search ketik Synaptic dan klik Synaptic Software Manager.

Keuntungan memakai Synaptic Package Manager dari pada Ubuntu Software Managaer adalah jika pada suatu saat linux anda mengalangi hang atau stack karena menginstall program yang kalian baru coba dan hanya bisa membuka Terminal, kalian bisa menguninstall program tersebut dengan membuka Synaptic Package Manager melalui terminal hanya dengan mengetik “synaptic” tanpa tanda kutip lalu tekan enter setelah itu akan terbuka Synaptic Package Manager (disarankan kalian menjadi root agar bisa install dan uninstall program).

Cara Install Program melalui Synaptic Package Manager
Pertama buka Software Synaptic package Manager,

lalu pada kotak Quick Filter kalian bisa mencari software apa yang ingin anda cari.
Unknown Linux, Tutorial
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blackberry Anda Lemot? Ini Solusinya

1. Klik icon BBm, trus klik option, lalu scroll ke Show Recent Updates dibikin NONE, sedangkan utk "Group Recent Updates From Same Contact/Group" dan "Display Music Updates From Contacts" tidak usah di centang kolomnya. Lalu klik Return (tanda panah memutar), di save dan keluar.

2. Klik icon Group BBm yg ada, trus klik BB, cari & klik Group Details, sett save message history ke off atau media card. Begitu pula dgn save pictures di sett ke off atau media card JANGAN save ke device. Klik return n save.

3. Pada tampilan awal Group Chat ada menu Group Updates yang di dalam Group Updates ada data aktivitas group.. Highlight aktivitas paling atas

4. Tekan menu BB pilih Delete Prior, tunggu sampai aktivitas dibawahnya terhapus semua

5. Setelah itu tekan menu BB sekali lagi, lalu pilih Delete, tunggu sampai aktivitas yang anda highlight terhapus

6. Lakukan pada semua Group Chat anda

* bagi yang menggunakan blackberry CURVE 8xxx harus sabar dan memang memori blackberry curve hanya 64mb, jika sering lemot itu wajar.
Unknown Tutorial
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

TeraCopy 2.2

Copy your files faster and easier

TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user with a lot of features:
  • Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.
  • Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
  • Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
  • Interactive file list. TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
  • Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.
  • Full Unicode support.
  • Windows 7 x64 support.

TeraCopy Pro

You can also buy a Pro version of the program that lets you do the following:
  • Copy/move to favorite folders.
  • Select files with the same extension/same folder.
  • Remove selected files from the copy queue.
  • More features coming soon!

Unknown Program
Monday, August 22, 2011

Ternyata Berselancar Di Internet Bisa Meningkatkan Efektifitas Kerja

Jangan merasa bersalah jika Anda mencuri waktu untuk sekedar berselancar di dunia maya. Kenapa? dalam suatu studi dinyatakan bahwa berselancar di internet akan dapat meningkatkan kinerja kerja Anda. Kok bisa?

Yep, setidaknya inilah yang berhasil terkuak dari salah satu studi yang berjudul ‘Dampak Cyberloafing Terhadap Peningkatan Psikologi’ yang dilakukan oleh Don J.G. Chen dan Vivien K.G Lim dari National Singapore University, dan telah di seminarkan di San Antonio, Texas USA dalam pertemuan Akademisi Manajemen tahunan, yang di prakarsai oleh asosiasi sarjana manajemen.

Web browsing atau istilah berselancar di internet ternyata dapat mengembalikan kesegaran pekerja yang mengalami kelelahan, dengan demikian mereka dapat meningkatkan produktifitas mereka kembali, jika dibandingkan dengan kegiatan lain seperti menelepon, mengirim email, atau menulis dengan menggunakan komputer.

Studi ini melibatan 96 mahasiswa manajemen yang dibagi ke dalam tiga kelompok, kelompok kontrol, kelompok yang mendapatkan jatah istirahat, dan kelompok peselancar internet. Ketiganya di beri tugas untuk memberi higlight pada tulisan sebanyak mungkin seperti contoh yang telah disediakan dalam waktu 20 menit. Selang 10 menit kelompok pertama diberi tugas tertentu, kelompok kedua diberi kesempatan bebas melakukan hal yang mereka senangi, dan kelompok ketiga diberi waktu untuk browsing internet. Selanjutnya mereka mengerjakan tugas untuk sisa waktu yang disediakan.

Hasil yang diperoleh, kelompok ketiga ternyata jauh lebih produktif dan efektif untuk mengerjakan tugas yang telah diberikan dbandingkan dua kelompok yang lain. Serta lebih rendah tingkat kejenuhannya, serta pningkatan kualitas yang lebih baik.

“Browsing diinternet ternyata berpengaruh terhadap fungsi restorasi otak, dibandingkan dengan mengirim email. Studi kedua yang melibatkan 191 orang dewasa menghasilkan hasil yang serupa,” demikian tutur peneliti.

Peneliti mengungkapkan bahwa orang yang berselancar diinternet biasanya hanya mengunjungi sius yang mereka sukai, efek yang sama terjadi saat kita mengunjungi kedai kopi favorit kita. Penggunaan masa istirahat dengan cara seperti ii ternyata secara alami memberikan efek kesenangan , dan efek kesegaran kembali bagi orang yang melakukannya. Itulah alasan kenapa berselancar di internet bisa merestorasi pikiran karayawan, tandas kedua peneliti tersebut.


Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.07 Build 8

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.

Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download accelerator, and many others.

Version 6.07 adds IDM download panel for web-players that can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Videos. It also features complete Windows 7 and Vista support, YouTube grabber, redeveloped scheduler, and MMS protocol support. The new version also adds improved integration for IE and IE based browsers, redesigned and enhanced download engine, the unique advanced integration into all latest browsers, improved toolbar, and a wealth of other improvements and new features.

Unknown Program

Driver Finder Pro

DriverFinder automatically scans, downloads, and installs updated drivers for your PC. Many drivers may be obtained freely by manually visiting device manufacturer websites. Activate DriverFinder for only 29.95 USD for a year's access on up to 3 PCs.


DriverFinder™ detects your PC brand and model, the operating system you use, and all the hardware devices connected to your computer with laser-precision. By determining your system accurately, DriverFinder™ is able to provide device drivers that are 100% specific to your computer.

Supports both plugged and unplugged devices!
Ever connected an MP3 player, USB webcam, digital camera, or external hard disk to your computer? DriverFinder™ will find an updated driver for these devices even if they are not plugged or connected to your PC at the moment.

DriverFinder™ offers clients the biggest - and most updated! - driver database in the industry. Our automated crawlers and electronic driver file analyzers work 24/7/365, enabling us to generally detect device drivers within 24 hours of their release.

DriverFinder™ employs a unique combination of (1) automated crawlers, (2) electronic driver file analyzers, and (3) manual checking by computer professionals BEFORE driver files are added to our database! This guarantees the reliability of our driver file suggestions.

DriverFinder™ downloads are TWICE as fast as other update tools. This is because device drivers are sourced from manufacturers AND relayed over our hi-speed data storage infrastructure, which is serviced by Amazon® web services.

After downloading drivers, install them with ease using DriverFinder™!

Backup a specific driver - or all of them! - with ease before you update to new drivers. Restore them just as easily from their backup location.

Easily back up your drivers to an external medium too!
You can use DriverFinder's Driver Backup & Restore feature to make a copy of your drivers and place them on another medium such as a USB stick, CD or DVD drive, and others.

For instance, after updating all your drivers, create a full driver backup, this time pointing the backup location to your USB stick or CD drive. Now use the new drivers to update another PC in your home!

We believe that it's OUR responsibility to provide you with the LATEST version of our program at all times. When you launch DriverFinder™, you will be asked to download the latest version of our application IF we deployed a new one. You will be benefitting from TONS of amazing and exciting features we cook up!

DriverFinder™ applies a 24-hour response policy. Every inquiry you make is guaranteed to be replied to by one of our professional, courteous - and yes, human - customer service professionals.

Unknown Program

RegGenie-Registry Cleaner

RegGenie™ registry cleaner will optimize the speed of your PC and fix your computer errors in minutes! Save yourself time and money as RegGenie™ scans your PC for problems, details potential issues to you, and allows you fix them automatically. Rest assured as RegGenie repairs your PC using our exclusive 'Safe Scan' technology ensuring no harm comes to your PC.

RegGenie™ was designed to be simple enough for the most basic computer user, yet includes the precision, flexibility, and functionality that even the most advanced user will appreciate.  With its user-friendly interface and easy to understand 3-step process, RegGenie™ makes it simple and easy to scan and fix your PC.  In addition, RegGenie™ offers a wide variety of additional features including automatic scan and repair scheduling, registry defragmentation, simple backup and restore process, and a straightforward way to manage your Windows Startup programs.

How easy to use is RegGenie™?
It couldn’t be easier. RegGenie™ will scan and fix your PC in three quick and easy steps:
  1. First, it scans your registry and hard drive for invalid file and system entries.
  2. Next, it will detect any invalid references on your machine that may cause computer errors, system instability, frequent crashes, overall system slowdowns and other PC problems.
  3. Third, it will repair all the invalid references found on your machine, improving its functionality and sometimes even increasing PC speed.
What problems can RegGenie™ fix?
RegGenie™ works to eliminate computer problems instantly by repairing invalid registry entries that cause computer errors, system instability, frequent crashes, overall system slowdowns and other PC problems, including but not limited to:
Performance issues:
  • Missing file associations
  • Missing startup programs
  • Invalid device drivers
  • Invalid application paths
  • Missing help files
  • Corrupt registry files
  • And much more!
Common Errors:
  • EXE Errors
  • Application Errors
  • DLL Errors
  • Runtime Errors
  • ActiveX Errors
  • Windows Installer Errors
  • Internet Browser Errors
  • Blue Screen Errors
  • Windows Explorer Errors

What files does RegGenie™ scan?
RegGenie™ scans your PC searching for invalid registry entries that cause computer errors, system instability, frequent crashes, overall system slowdowns and other PC problems.  Specifically, RegGenie™ scans the following entries in your Windows registry…
COM/ActiveX/OLE entries
  • Application Uninstall entries
  • Font entries
  • Shared DLL entries
  • Application Paths entries
  • Sound & Audio entries
  • Help Files
  • Windows Startup Items
  • File/Folder/Path References
  • Program Shortcuts References
  • Empty Registry Keys
  • File Associations

What else does RegGenie™ do?
In addition to fixing, repairing, and potentially speeding up your PC RegGenie™ offers the following features:
  • Registry Backup – Easily create a backup of your registry at any time, before allowing RegGenie™ to scan and fix your computer or making manual registry edits.
  • Registry Defrag – Registry defragmentation re-organizes the internal structure of your registry resulting in better system performance. The Registry Defrag can also analyze your computer to determine if your registry needs defragmentation.
  • Statistics – RegGenie™ tracks your scan history and totals the numbers of errors that have been found on your PC.
  • Windows Startup Manager –Save valuable computer memory, decrease the time it takes to start your computer, and increase processing power by choosing what programs you want to run when Windows starts.
  • Update – Easily check for the latest version of RegGenie™ with the single click of your mouse by using the built-in Update button.
  • Auto Scan – Automatically scan and cleanup the registry on system startup or any scheduled time and date you choose. Auto Scan is recommended for ‘non-technical’ users.
  • Ignore Keys – Advanced users can choose to ignore cleaning and fixing specific registry keys based on keywords.
  • Ignore Registry Objects – After a scan you can easily select what keys you want to repair and which ones you do not.  Store your ignored registry keys for future scans. Recommended for advanced users.
  • Safe Scan - Using our built-in Safe Scan process RegGenie™ safely and effectively scans and backs up your registry ensuring that any changes you make can easily be reversed at any time.

What are the system requirements for RegGenie™?
RegGenie™ is compatible with all versions of Windows OS, including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. However, the registry defrag feature is only available on Vista and XP.
Minimum -
  • 15 MB of free hard disk space
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • Internet access is required to register product and receive product updates
Recommended -
  • 75 MB of free hard disk space
  • 256 MB of RAM
  • Internet access is required to register product and receive product updates


Unknown Program
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Any Pic Image Resizer Pro.v1.2.9.2922

AnyPic Image Resizer Pro allows you to resize, convert, add watermark to hundreds of images in batch mode. It supports the most popular image formats: JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PSD, GIF, TGA, RAW, and almost all image formats.  It's a fast and easy-to-use image conversion tool for both amateur and professional photographers to deal with digital photos, with one click your digial photos will be just right for the Web, blog, e-mail, photo printing, Facebook, MySpace, mobile phone.

Automatic, Fast, Easy to Use
Convert hundreds of images at a time with just a few mouse clicks.
Convert images with super high speed, support multi-core processing.
Both amateur and professional photographers can deal with digital photos easily.

Resize Image for Any Use
Resizing image for any different use, such as for Web, e-mail, photo printing, Facebook, MySpace, mobile phone, etc.
Three compression choices are provided to meet your demand of image quality.        

Support Hundreds Formats
Convert between many different image file formats.
Supports the most popular image formats: BMP, JPEG, TIFF, RAW, PNG, GIF, TGA, and PSD, and almost all image formats.

Batch Conversion
Convert thousands of files at once in batch mode.
Convert multiple image files from different formats to desired format in one time with a few mouse clicks.

Output Images with Highest Quality
Do not damage the accuracy and quality of original image.
Retain Color Profile, EXIF, IPTC, GPS information.

Watermark for Image Copyright Protection
Add image watermark.
Add text watermark to image, the font can be edited, and the outline effect can be added.
Fully control the parameters of watermark such as position, size and rotation, etc.
Position and size of watermark adapts to different sizes of images automatically.

Adjust Image Effects in Batch
Adjust image brightness, contrast and saturation in batch to make your images look more special.
Shows preview of new image as the setting is adjusted.
Provide some parameters adjustment for each format.
Rotate images.

Time-Saving Profile
Save operations that you usually use as profiles and bring convenience with you in the future.
Preset a wide range of commonly used profile, such as for Web, blog, e-mail, photo printing, Facebook, MySpace, mobile phone, etc.

Unknown Program

Speed Up My PC 2011

SpeedUpMyPC 2011
Is your computer performing to its full potential?
Find out for certain. This free performance scan will give you a complete diagnosis of your current performance status and offer improvements.

The problem:
Is your PC getting slower? With so many different settings, files and processes to monitor, it is hard to identify just what is slowing you down, let alone implement the necessary technical adjustments to recover speed and performance.

The solution:
SpeedUpMyPC scans your computer to identify the processes, files and settings that are slowing you down, before wielding a powerful range of tools to optimize your system for improved performance. With single click simplicity, network settings, RAM and CPU function are all scanned, cleaned and tuned for speed, while junk files are deleted for space. The result is a computer that works faster and better.

Unknown Program
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cara Aman Facebook-an di Kantor

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Ingin Facebook-an di kantor tapi takut ketahuan bos? Dengan hardlywork.in, Facebook Anda menyamar sebagai Microsoft Excel.

Dengan tampilan Excel, Facebook Anda ‘tampil secara lebih profesional’. Situs penyamaran ini adalah www.hardlywork.in. Tampilan Facebook di situs ini berupa tabel-tabel spreadsheet Excel. Tapi kontennya sebenarnya adalah aktivitas Facebook. Kalau Anda membuka Facebook dengan cara ini, Anda tetap akan kelihatan seperti sedang bekerja.
Di sana ada nama akun, posting-an terbaru yang sama dengan yang tampil di wall, dan foto-foto tag terbaru. Anda bisa mencari akun teman di bar formula. Kolom-kolomnya juga menampilkan komentar, keterangan siapa yang me-like sebuah posting, dan juga link.
Jika ada keterangan 4 like, arahkan kursor ke kolom itu, dan tampillah nama-nama yang memberi tanda like di-posting-an tersebut. Tampilannya terlihat sepi tanpa gambar?
Jangan khawatir. Jika Anda mengarahkan kursor ke nama atau link foto, foto tersebut akan tampil sebagai thumbnail di sudut kanan bawah. Nah, sekarang kurang apa lagi?
Selamat Facebook-an di kantor! Sst... jangan bilang siapa-siapa.  [mor]

Unknown Tutorial
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Interconnection Network

Topologi merupakan penggambaran bagaimana cara komputer terhubung dalam
suatu jaringan.
Faktor – Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Topologi:
1. Biaya
2. Kecepatan
3. Lingkungan
4. Ukuran
5. Konektivitas

Jenis Interconnection Network (Topologi):
Topologi Mesh
  • Setiap node memiliki keterhubungan langsung satu dengan yang lain.
  • Setiap node memiliki N-1 koneksi dengan node terdekat.
  • Memiliki N(N-1)/2 untuk seluruh jaringan.
  • Memiliki jalur ganda pada setiap node.

  • Memiliki jumlah koneksi pernode yang tinggi.
  • Putusnya salah satu node tidak akan menggaggu jalur yang lain.

  • Penggunaan kabel yang banyak mengakibatkan mudah mengalami gangguan.

Topologi STAR
Memiliki Simpul pusat, dimana setiap koneksi harus melalui simpul tersebut.

Kelebihan :
  • Fleksibellitas tinggi.
  • Penambahan atau perubahan node tidak akan mempengaruhi node lainnya.
  • Putusnya salah satu node tidak mempengaruhi jalur lainnya.
  • Kontrol terpusat memudahkan pengendalian jaringan.
  • Kemudahan deteksi kesalahan.

  • Penggunaan kabel yang banyak
  • Putusnya simpul pusat (concentrator) akan memutuskan komunikasi pada satu networking tersebut.

Topologi BUS
Menghubungkan antar node dengan cara berantai berupa kabel tunggal jenis coaxial. Umumnya tidak menggunakan peralatan aktif.

Keuntungan :
  • Biaya Lebih murah dikarenakan jenis kabel dan tidak dibutuhkan concentrator.
  • Kerusakan salah satu client tidak akan mengganggu keseluruhan network.

Kelemahan :
  • Putusnya jalur backbone akan memutuskan jalur komunikasi.
  • Jalur data penuh apabila terjadi komunikasi yang cukup banyak pada saat yang bersamaan.

Topologi TREE
Merupakan kombinasi antara topologi star dan topologi bus sebagai backbone.

Keuntungan :

  • Kontrol lebih mudah karena bersifat terpusat dan terbagi dalam tingkatan jenjang.
  • Mudah di kembangkan

Kelemahan :
  • Jika salah satu node rusak, maka node yang berada di jenjang bagian bawahnya akan rusak.
  • Dapat terjadi tabrakan data (collision).
  • Lebih sulit untuk mengkonfigurasi dan memasang kabel daripada topologi lain.

Topologi RING

  • Setiap Node mempunyai derajat 2.
  • Menguhubungkan setiap node dengan bentuk lingkaran, node terakhir dihubungkan dengan node pertama.
  • Setiap node dalam networking merupakan repeater dan mempunyai status yang sama.
  • Setiap node akan memeriksa data yang akan dikirimkan melalui jaringan. Jika data (token) tidak sesuai dengan alamat yang kunjungi maka data akan berpindah ke node selanjutnya.

Kelebihan :
  • Hemat kabel
  • Data mengalir dalam satu arah yang dapat
  • menghindari terjadinya tabrakan data.

Kekurangan :
  • Kegagalan atau putusnya pada satu node akan mempengaruhi networking hal ini menyebabkan sulitnya melakukan pengembangan.
  • Keamanan rendah karena semua komputer dapat melihat aliran data.

Media Networking
  • Menghubungkan beberapa node dalam jaringan.
  • Setiap paket data yang masuk akan dibroadcast ke semua node.

  • Menghubungkan beberapa node dalam jaringan.
  • Setiap paket data yang masuk akan dikirim langsung ke node yang dituju yang dapat mengurangi terjadinya sniffer terhadap data.

  • Meneruskan paket dari satu network ke network yang lain. Router bekerja pada layer network dari model OSI.
  • Dapat dipakai pada dua segmen jaringan yang berbeda.

Dipakai pada dua segmen jaringan yang sama

Wireless  LAN Card
Fungsinya sama dengan LAN Card pada jaringan berbasis kabel

CPU Strcuturer And Function

Komponen utama CPU
  • Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) : Melakukan komputasi atau pengolahandata berdasar instruksi yang diberikan padanya.
  • Register : Memori internal berukuran kecil.
  • Control Unit (CU) : Mengontrol perpindahan data dan instruksi ke CPU atau dari CPU dan mengontrol operasi ALU. Menunjukan memori internal minimum yang terdiri dari beberapa lokasi penyimpan yang disebut register.

Diagram CPU

Tugas CPU:
  • Menyimpan data untuk sementara waktu
  • Mengingat lokasi instruksi terakhir agar dapat mengambil instruksi selanjutnya.
  • Menyimpan instruksi dan data untuk sementara waktu pada saat instruksi sedang dieksekusi.

Aktivitas CPU:
  • Fetch Instruction (mengambil instruksi) : membaca instruksi dari memori
  • Interpret Data (mengambil data) : eksekusi instruksi mungkin memerlukan pembacaan data dari memori atau modul I/O.
  • Fetch Data (mengambil data) : eksekusi instruksi mungkin memerlukan pembacaan data dari memori atau modul I/O.
  • Process Data (mengolah data) : eksekusi instruksi mungkin memerlukan operasi aritmatika atau logika terhadap data.
  • Write Data (menulis data) : hasil eksekusi mungkin memerlukan penulisan data ke memori

Organisasi Register
Fungsi register CPU
1. User Visible Registers : register ini memungkinkan pemrogram bahasa mesin dan bahasa assembler meminimalkan referensi main memori dengan cara mengoptimasi penggunaan register. Register ini merupakan register yang dapat direferensikan dengan menggunakan bahasa mesin yang dieksekusi CPU.
  • General Purpose : dapat digunakan untuk berbagai fungsi oleh pemrogram dan dapat berisi operand sembarang opcode. Pada kasus tertentu dapat digunakan untuk fungsi pengalamatan (misal: register indirect, displacement)
  • Data : hanya dapat digunakan untuk menampung data tidak dapat digunakan untuk kalkulasi dan alamat operand.
  • Alamat : menyerupai general purpose register digunakan untuk mode pengalamatan tertentu. Misal segment pointer digunakan untuk menyimpan alamat berbasis segmen, register index untuk alamat terindex atau autoindex, stack pointer untuk pengalamatan implisit yaitu push, pop dan instruksi stack lainnya yang tidak perlu operand stack eksplisit.
  • Kode-kode Kondisi

2. Control and Status Registers : register ini digunakan oleh unit kontrol untuk mengontrol operasi CPU dan oleh program sistem operasi untuk mengontrol eksekusi program. Register yang digunakan untuk mengontrol operasi bersifat visible terhadap instruksi mesin namun tidak visible bagi pengguna. 
Register yang digunakan untuk eksekusi instruksi:
  • Program Counter (PC) :berisi alamat instruksi yang akan diambil.
  • Instruction Register (IR) :berisi instruksi yang terakhir diambil.
  • Memory Address Register (MAR) :berisi alamat sebuah lokasi didalam memori.
  • Memory Buffer Register (MBR) :berisi sebuah word data yang akan dituliskan ke dalam memori atau word yang terakhir dibaca.
Program Status Word (PSW) adalah semua rancangan CPU mencakup sebuah register atau sekumpulan register. Berisi informasi status, kode kondisi dan informasi status lainnya.

Siklus Instruksi
  • Fetch : pengambilan data ke memori atau register.
  • Execute : menginterpretasikan opcode dan melakukan operasi yang diidentifikasi.
  • Interrupt : ketika interrupt diaktifkan atau telah terjadi simpan status proses yang sedang berjalan dan layani interupsi.

Sifat siklus instruksi:
  • Sekali instruksi terambil makan operand specifiernya harus diidentifikasi.
  • Seluruh operand input di memori akan diambil sementara operand berbasis register tidak perlu diambil.
  • Setelah eksekusi terjadi proses yang sama diperlukan untuk menyimpan hasilnya didalam memori.

Diagram Siklus Instruksi

Aliran Data Siklus Pengambilan
Urutan kejadian selama siklus instruksi tergantung rancangan CPU.
Proses aliran data:
  • Pada saat siklus pengambilan instruksi dibaca dari memori.
  • PC berisi alamat instruksi berikutnya yang akan diambil.
  • Alamat ini dipindahkan ke MAR dan di simpan di bus alamat.
  • Unit kontrol meminta pembacaan memori dan hasilnya disimpan di bus data dan disalin ke MBR dan kemudian dipindahkan ke IR.
  • PC naik nilainya 1, sebagai persiapan untuk pengambilan selanjutnya.
  • Siklus selesai, unit kontrol memerisa isi IR untuk menentukan apakah IR berisi operand specifier yang menggunakan pengalamat tak langsung.

Aliran Data Siklus Tak Langsung
  • N bit paling kanan pada MBR, yang berisi referensi alamat, dipindahkan ke MAR.
  • Unit kontrol meminta pembacaan memori, agar mendapatkan alamat operand yang diinginkan ke dalam MBR.
  • Siklus pengambilan dan siklus tidak langsung cukup sederhana dan dapat diramalkan.
  • Siklus instruksi mengambil banyak bentuk karena bentuk bergantung pada bermacammacam instruksi mesin yang terdapat didalam IR.
  • Siklus meliputi pemindahan data di antara register-register, pembacaan atau penulisan dari memori atau I/O, dan atau penggunaan ALU.

Aliran Data Siklus Interupsi
  • Isi PC saat itu harus disimpan sehingga CPU dapat melanjutkan aktivitas normal setelah terjadinya interupsi.
  • Isi PC dipindahkan ke MBR untuk kemudian dituliskan ke dalam memori.
  • Lokasi memori khusus yang dicadangkan untuk keperluan ini di muatkan ke MAR dari unit kontrol.
  • Lokasi ini berupa stack pointer.
  • PC dimuatkan dengan alamat rutin interupsi.
  • Akibatnya, siklus interupsi berikutnya akan mulai mengambil instruksi yang sesuai.

Mesin yang melaksanakan beberapa komputasi yang berbeda secar bersama-sama, namun pada saat itu setiap komputasi akan berada dalam tahapan eksekusi yang berbeda.
Input baru akan diterima pada sebuah sisi sebelum input yang diterima sebelumnya keluar sebagai output di sisi lainnya.

Gambar Instruksi Pipeline

Tahapan Pipeline
  • Tahapan pertama mengambil instruksi dan membuffernya.
  • Ketika tahapan kedua bebas, tahapan pertama mengirimkan instruksi yang di bufferkan tersebut.
  • Pada saat tahapan kedua sedang mengeksekusi instruksi, tahapan pertama memanfaatkan siklus memori yang tidak dipakai untukmengambil dan membufferkan instruksi berikutnya.

Efek Pipeline
  • Mempercepat eksekusi instruksi.
  • Apabila tahapan pengambilan dan eksekusi memerlukan waktu yang sama, maka siklus instruksi akan berkurang menjadi separuhnya.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Google Plus, Bakal Jadi "Pembunuh Facebook"

Google baru saja meluncurkan Google+ (Google Plus), Rabu (29/6/2011) yang merupakan layanan jejaring sosial baru. Layanan tersebut ditengarai bakal menjadi pesaing kuat bagi Facebook.

Jejaring sosial milik Google ini membuka ruang bagi para penggunanya untuk membagi foto, pesan, dan komentar seperti layaknya di Facebook. Google juga menambahkan layanan peta dan images dalam Google+ ini.

Google pun mengklaim, jejaring sosialnya ini akan memudahkan orang untuk mengatur kontak tanpa membuat grup. Namun, beberapa analis teknologi informasi berpendapat, Google+ hanya mereproduksi fitur dari Facebook, dengan hanya menambahkan fungsi video chat.

Sebelumnya, Google juga telah melempar produk baru seperti Google Wave dan Google Buzz yang ternyata tak laku di pasaran. Namun, dengan produk anyarnya ini, Google tak mau gagal lagi. Manajemen menawarkan sedikitnya empat fitur yang menjadi andalan mereka :

1. Circles. Fungsi ini bisa digunakan untuk memasukkan nama-nama teman ke dalam grup dan pengguna bisa berbagi konten dengan format berbeda di dalam lingkaran pertemanan ini.

2. Hangouts. Ini adalah layanan conference lebih dari dua orang dengan video call.

3. Huddle. Layanan ini menyediakan grup-grup di jejaring ini untuk mengirim pesan instan.

4. Sparks. Fitur ini menghubungkan individu dalam jaringan ini kepada orang-orang yang memiliki ketertarikan yang sama terhadap suatu hal.

Saat ini versi Google+ baru bisa dinikmati oleh segelintir pengguna dan hanya bisa dinikmati lewat undangan dari pengguna yang sudah terdaftar. Tapi, Google berjanji secepatnya jejaring sosial ini bisa segera dinikmati oleh jutaan pengakses Google setiap harinya.

"Jejaring sosial seperti ini memerlukan pemikiran yang serius. Jadi kami masih butuh waktu untuk mempersiapkannya," ujar Vic Gundorta Senior Vice President of Engineering Google dalam rilisnya.



Download Password Safe

Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single "Master Password" of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list.
Security starts with you, the user. Keeping written lists of passwords on scraps of paper, or in a text document on your desktop is unsafe and is easily viewed by prying eyes (both cyber-based and human). Using the same password over and over again across a wide spectrum of systems and web sites creates the nightmare scenario where once someone has figured out one password, they have figured out all your passwords and now have access to every part of your life (system, e-mail, retail, financial, work).

Password Safe allows you to manage your old passwords and to easily and quickly generate, store, organize, retrieve, and use complex new passwords, using password policies that you control. Once stored, your user names and passwords are just a few clicks away.

Using Password Safe you can organize your passwords using your own customizable references—for example, by user ID, category, web site, or location. You can choose to store all your passwords in a single encrypted master password list (an encrypted password database), or use multiple databases to further organize your passwords (work and home, for example). And with its intuitive interface you will be up and running in minutes.

Unknown Program
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Praktikum Basis Data: Operator IN dan NOT IN: Pertemuan Ke 13

Operator IN dan NOT IN untuk memilih
Pada teknik sebelumnya, kita hanya mendapatkkan data barang berdasarkan satu jenis data saja. Permasalahnnya sekarang, apabila kita ingin mengambil data barang dengan beberapa jenis sekaligus, dapat diselesaikan dengan parameter IN atau NOT IN untuk negasinya.

Sintaks IN :
SELECT tabelA.kolom1, tabelB.kolom1, table A.kolom2
FROM tabelA, tabelB
WHERE tabelA.kunciA = tabelB.kunciA
AND kolomA.kunci IN(‘kunciA1’, ‘kunciA2’,…,’kuncin’);

Sintaks NOT IN :
SELECT tabelA.kolom1, tabelB.kolom1, table A.kolom2
FROM tabelA, tabelB
WHERE tabelA.kunciA = tabelB.kunciA
AND kolomA.kunci NOT IN(‘kunciA1’, ‘kunciA2’,…,’kuncin’);

Contoh :


1. Tampilkan kode barang, nama barang, nama jenis  hanya untuk jenis Mouse dan Mouse Pad saja, dengan kode jenis ‘J01’untuk Mouse dan ‘J02’ untuk Mouse Pad.

SELECT kd_barang, nm_barang, nm_jenis
FROM barang_jenis, barang
WHERE barang_jenis.kd_jenis = barang.kd_jenis
AND barang.kd_jenis IN ('J01','J02');

2.Tampilkan data barang selain  jenis Monitor dan Mouse, yaitu selain kode jenis ‘J04’ dan ‘J01’.

SELECT kd_barang, nm_barang, nm_jenis 
FROM barang_jenis, barang
WHERE barang_jenis.kd_jenis = barang.kd_jenis
AND barang.kd_jenis NOT IN ('J04','J01');

Mempersingkat Perintah dengan Alias Tabel
Sintaks 1 :
SELECT A.kolom1, B.kolom1, A.kolom2
FROM tableA  A, tableB  B
WHERE A.kunciA = B.kunciA

Sintaks 2 :
SELECT A.kolom1, B.kolom1, A.kolom2
FROM tableA  AS A, tableB  AS B
WHERE A.kunciA = B.kunciA

Contoh :
Tampilkan data kode barang, nama jenis barang, dan nama barang

SELECT kd_barang, nm_jenis, nm_barang 
FROM barang_jenis, barang
WHERE barang_jenis.kd_jenis = barang.kd_jenis

Diperpendek menjadi :
SELECT B.kd_barang, A.nm_jenis, B.nm_barang 
FROM barang_jenis A, barang B
WHERE A.kd_jenis = B.kd_jenis

Atau :

SELECT B.kd_barang, BJ.nm_jenis, B.nm_barang 
FROM barang_jenis AS BJ , barang AS B
WHERE BJ.kd_jenis = B.kd_jenis




1.Tampilkan kode  barang, nama barang, harga.Yang ditampilkan  hanya untuk jenis Keyboard dan Casing saja, dengan kode jenis ‘J03’untuk Keyboard dan ‘J05’ untuk Casing.
2.Tampilkan data kode barang, nama barang, harga. Yang ditampilkan  selain  jenis Mouse Pad dan Keyboard, yaitu selain kode jenis ‘J02’ dan ‘J03’.
3.Tampilkan kode barang, nama jenis, nama barang,harga. Tetapi yang ditampilkan khusus jenis Monitor saja. Pada kasus ini data Monitor menggunakan kode ‘J04’. (Gunakan Alias Tabel)
4.Tampilkan Kode barang, nama jenis, nama barang yang mempunyai jenis ‘J01’ dan harga kurang dari 20000(Gunakan Alias Tabel)
5.Tampilkan kode jenis dan jumlah barang dari masing-masing jenis

Unknown Pelajaran

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 Review

System: PS3, Xbox 360
Dev: Koei, Omega Force
Pub: Namco Bandai
Release: June 28, 2011
Players: 1-4
Screen Resolution: 480p-1080p Fantasy Violence, Mild Language

Not Just Another Dynasty Warriors Game
by Angelo M. D’Argenio

Dynasty Warriors has always been a "safe" game franchise. If you pick up a DW title, you can be pretty sure you are going to be hacking your way through wave after wave of defenseless soldiers. Every Dynasty Warriors title follows pretty much the same formula. Kill some dudes, capture some territory, kill a boss, and repeat. So the only thing setting these games apart is the window dressing used to frame the entire conflict. So far this year we have done the Dynasty Warriors thing with warriors in ancient Greece, samurai in Japan, and our good old friends from Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Now we have my personal favorite—giant robots—in the recent release of Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3.

The story of DWG3 should be familiar to anyone who has read or written bad fanfiction in the past. All the Gundams and Gundam pilots across the many Gundam universes have been transported to a mysterious alternate dimension. In this strange warped world, they have nothing better to do than form alliances and kick the crap out of each other. To the story's merit, the game does a good job at smudging the line between good and evil. You see, each character experiences the events of the story in a different way. There are over fifty characters to unlock, and when you play as one of the villains you realize they aren't as crazy as you once thought.

But you really won't be paying attention to the story in DWG3. Instead, you'll be focusing primarily on the gameplay, and the characters take center stage there as well. Not only will you be unlocking characters as you go along, but you will be leveling them up as you complete missions. The game has that familiar almost-an-RPG feel to it, with money and experience being earned rather quickly until the endgame. You can actually use your money to increase your characters' stats by training them in DWG3, and this is great way to get low-level characters caught up to ones you've used the whole game, or to push your main characters to even further levels of absurdity.

However, characters aren't the only thing you have to take into account in DWG3. You can also mix and match the giant robots they pilot, and there are over seventy to collect. At the beginning, characters are limited to using the Gundam they start with, which is usually the Gundam they pilot in their anime of origin. However, defeated enemies have a chance to drop "plans," which allow you to build their Gundams for yourself and take them for a spin.

Each Gundam has its own stat layout and a limited number of "upgrade slots" that you can use to alter those stats. You can find better plans with better stats for a Gundam you already have, giving the game an almost Diablo-like loot-quest feel to it. Each Gundam also has a limited list of pilots that can use it, but you have the option to buy "liscenses," which allow other members of the cast to climb into the cockpit. Eventually, you will be mixing and matching pilots to Gundams in order to make your own personally designed killing machine.

The core gameplay of DWG3 is, as I said before, pretty much the same as every other Dynasty Warriors game that has come before it. You control a leader in one army facing off against another army. A.I. troops and fellow generals will continuously travel about the map, facing the enemy in any territory they enter. Like a good anime character, it's up to you to turn the tide of battle by applying your crowd-killing prowess in the right place at the right time. Kill enough peons while staying in a territory long enough and you'll capture it. Capture enough territories, and you eventually will go up against the enemy's generals. If you defeat their generals and capture their base, you win. But if the same happens to you, then you lose.

DWG3 mixes the formula up a little by adding unique territories to the mix that give you a special benefit when you capture them. For example, one of these territories acts as a teleporter, allowing you to get around the map at high speeds. Another gradually heals your troops and fellow generals. There are even missile bases that, when captured, periodically rain burning death upon your enemy's territories. To succeed in any given mission, it pays to study the map and go for these key territories first, because if your enemy captures them, you could soon have burning death raining upon your own troops.

The control scheme is classic Dynasty Warriors as well. You have a weak attack, a strong attack, a ranged attack, and a special attack you can use when your special bar is filled. That's about it. This would get boring if it weren't for the fact that every Gundam—and, to a lesser extent, every pilot—plays differently. Some Gundams are slow bruisers, while others are quick and aggressive. Some fight with powerful beam sabers while others fight with ludicrous giant robot martial arts.

DWG3 adds a few more options by letting you stock multiple special attacks in order to make them more powerful, and by adding a "partner" bar that fills as you capture territories and generally go off being awesome. You see, you fight alongside a "partner" in every level of the game, and if you fill your partner gauge, you can call them directly to your field to do an awesome anime-style signature move. You can even do your special attack at the same time, teaming up to rain down hell on your

Add to this a dash and accompanying stamina bar, attacks that change based on how much life you have left, quick time events that occur when weapons clash, and cinematic events that change the state of the battle, and the game starts feeling like an epic battle in a Gundam anime, rather than just any old Dynasty Warriors game. Case and point, you can actually destroy an enemy with so much force that they explode in a burst of flame. Then that explosion can kill another troop, causing them to explode, which destroys another troop and so on. Eventually you will be clearing out entire fields in one stroke. I don't think you can possibly get more anime than that.

For a Dynasty Warriors game, DWG3 has a lot of replay value. Putting aside the unlocks and loot hunting, there are over 300 missions to play. The story can be played from the point-of-view of multiple factions, and there are special "history" missions which have you playing out classic epic encounters from the many Gundam series. There are co-op missions (though unfortunately not nearly as many as the single-player missions) which can be played with one to four players that can drop in and out at any time. There's even online play, and while the netcode during actual gameplay is decent enough, it's kind of hard to find a game. The fanbase just isn't big enough.

In the end, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 explains itself entirely with its title. It's a Dynasty Warriors game, it had Gundams in it, and it has had three chances to improve on itself. It's done a good job. DWG3 is a fantastic way to blow a few hours and let off some steam, and, heck, you don't even have to be a Gundam fan. The gameplay stands for itself. But for fans, seeing Domon Kasshu beat the ever loving piss out of those pansies from Gundam Seed is just plain awesome.

Unknown Game